End of Term 2

We can't believe that we are already at the end of Term 2. Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the term. It has been an extremely busy one, with NAPLAN, Super Scientist Challenges and our Assembly, which will be held on Thursday (27th June). We hope to see you there to support Room 26. Even though NAPLAN is over, our teaching program certainly isn't. We have continued to explicitly teach many reading strategies in our Literacy Block, including monitoring, making connections and character traits. We have focused on up levelling our writing, developing our knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and have made excellent progress with our Literacy Pro. We would like to thank all the students who have contributed to our current word count of over 7,000,000 words. We have been pleased to see that out average pass rate is over 80%. This is extremely important as it shows the knowledge and understanding the students demonstrate once they have read a book. Remember to keep reading over the holiday. 

We have been focussing on angles this term. The students have been developing their understanding of finding missing angles in triangles and four sided figures. They have also been working on drawing their own triangles using given measurements and using a protractor. Times tables are always a key focus within Year 5, as they support a great deal of the year 5 curriculum. Keep practising over the holiday. 

We have been focusing on animal and plant adaptations throughout science this term and the class has excelled with their understanding of how Australian animals and plants have adapted to our climate to survive and thrive. We will be wrapping up our biological science component of the curriculum in week 10 with a final assessment and typing up a report that students have been researching about at home. It is important to encourage children to question the things around us and for you to explore and find answers together.

The students did a fantastic job with their Super Scientist presentations. We are so proud of their achievements. They have gained so much confidence with their speaking and listening skills. 

Thanks again for your continuous support. Next Semester will be focusing on preparing students for Year 6. It will come around quicker than we think. 

Have a wonderful holiday everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all back safe in Term 3. 

Mrs McIlwraith and Miss Dowling


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