Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3,

We have hit the ground running this term with lots of exciting things happening in our room and around the school. A few important dates to keep in mind:

  • Winter School Carnival - Week 3 Friday 09/0/19
  • Science Week - Week 4
  • Book Week - Week 6
  • Book Week Parade - Week 6 Friday 30/08/19
  • Wattle Day - Week 7 Monday 02/09/19
  • Athletics Carnival Jumps & Throws - Week 7 Wednesday 04/09/19
  • P & C Father's Day Stall - Week 7 Wednesday 04/09/19
  • ICAS Science testing - Week 7 Thursday 05/09/19
  • Senior Assembly Rm 14 & 25 - Week 7 05/09/19
  • Athletics Carnival - Week 7 Friday 06/09/19
  • ICAS Spelling testing - Week 8 Thursday 12/09/19
  • P & C Disco - Week 8 Friday 13/09/19
  • ICAS English testing - Week 9 Monday 16/09/19
  • Inter-school Athletics Jumps and Throws - Week 9 Wednesday 18/09/19
  • ICAS Mathematics - Week 9 Thursday 19/09/19
  • Inter-school Athletics Carnival - Week 9 Friday 20/09/19
  • STEM Learning Journeys - Week 10 Tuesday 14/09/19
Whilst we have a lot on around the school with different events we must still keep in mind that even though we are excited we must still remain focused and on task in the classroom. Always giving 120% in every task that we do. 

Don't forget to continue reading every night at home and to complete Literacy Pro quizzes once you have finished your book. We are aiming to improve our word count and quiz pass rate in Room 26 this term. Our whole school word count goal is to reach 150, 000, 000 words by the end of the year.

During the Senior Assembly today we were lucky enough to have four wonderful students from Room 26 receive awards for their amazing effort, perseverance and dedication to their learning. Congratulations Isabelle, Harrison, Shujaat and Pari on your awards. Room 26 was also fortunate enough to win the P & C Uniform trophy for always wearing the correct uniform. Well done everyone, you have all made Mrs McIlwraith & Miss Dowling very happy!!

Kind regards,

Mrs McIlwraith & Miss Dowling


  1. Yay! we finally go one *Not saying we NEVER GET IT* Well done Room26


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