
Aussie Day On Friday 15th February we celebrated what it is to be an Australian. We created our own class flags, looked at Australian symbols, created a picture of what it means to us to be Australian and we spoke and wrote about an Aussie that I admire the most. These activities coincided with a whole school dress up day. The day and lead up to, were enjoyed immensely by our class. The funds raised on the day were donated to the Queensland Flood Appeal. Speaking & Listening Task Everyone in Room 26 has been hard at work preparing and delivering their speeches on the topic- "All About Me". This speaking and Listening task has showcased the wonderful organisational skills of many students in the class, as well as their great Power Point skills. So far we have had many interesting and informative presentations that have been carried out in a very pleasing manner. Keep up the fantastic work! Science Planet Report- A Factual Mini-Book Stud...